Sniper the Thought

The old saying that, ‘Revenge is a dish best served cold’, is without doubt, the motto of some many people, notwithstanding their religious belief. As it relates to relationships, the question is, who do you serve the cold dish of revenge?

Relationships are always dicey; they have this pattern of leaving one vulnerable. Especially if you think that you are in love with your partner. Many have taken the road of suicide at the end of a painful breakup; whether the relationship is at the friendship boat, or courtship boat, or marriage boat, its inconsequential. The ratio of the heartbreak is directly proportional to the investment don by the most hurt.

Some put in as much as eleven years of their life to a relationship that goes sour at a point and at such crossroads; they lose their identity or sense of worth. While some breakups are amicable, others simply aren’t. They leave one person without closure. 

He or she is left to wander for a very long time, what went wrong? How he/she could have done better? Lack of closure as to the demise of a sweet love gone sour is one of the worst baggage to carry and as such many people have towed lines not so palatable.

While some go to print media to bash their exes, others walk on the path of dying in silence, which sometimes lead to depression and in worst case scenario, suicide. 

But, there are these very few set of jilted lovers with unknown embedded strength. They go through all the stages of heartbreak; denialangerbargaining (pleading with the lover for a second chance), depression (despair) and acceptance.

At the bargaining/pleading stage, while some exhibit wild behaviours to get the ex’s attention, others may plead or send mutual acquaintance(s) to do the bidding for them. When that fails, the jilted one goes into depression. Now, the five stages are common to all scorned person, but the fifth stage has a distinction that separates the Selenas, the Jennas and the Tokes of this world from the rest.

At the acceptance stage, while some accept that there is no hope of reconciliation and as such end their life, few like the Selena Gomez, Jenna Dewan, Toke Makinwa monetise their pain. They find a very productive outlet for the immerse pain the breakup gave to them, and release songs like; Lose You To Love MeLook At Her Now’ or write books like; Gracefully You, On Becoming

Selena Gomez 2016.pngphoto credit: Serena Gomez is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and executive producer. She is also known for her almost a decade whirlwind romance with ex Justin Bieber who is now married to Hailey Baldwin. The breakup was as public as it could get but after much heartache, Selena chose to monetise her pain. On October 23, 2019, Gomez released “Lose You to Love Me” as the lead single from her upcoming third studio album.

Jenna Dewan 2012.jpgImageSource:
Jenna Lee Dewan, an American dancer, and actress while talking to People about her separation with Channing Tatum said:
“I was just gutted. It was so difficult for me. It was the loss of an idealistic future for myself and my life. What does that now look like for me? Where do I begin? I met him when I was 24, I didn’t know life without Chan.”
“The separation tested me in ways I hadn’t thought possible,” she continued. “I started to wonder if everything I believed in and always talked about was real. Could anyone or anything ever be trusted?”
Toke Makinwa is a Nigerian radio personality, television host, vlogger, lifestyle entrepreneur, and author. She released her memoir On Becoming in November 2016. The book addressed her personal struggles and the betrayal of her now ex-husband Maje Ayida. Their marriage got dissolved on the grounds that the Ayida committed adultery.

Look at these goddesses, you will know that being beautiful, talented, ambitious isn’t a guarantee for not been dumped. I mean, these ladies are plain gorgeous and yet, they have been dumped for reasons best known to their exes. Knowing their worth, they took the high road and made lemonades out of the lemon served to them by life.

Dear reader, if you are heartbroken, perplexed and confused as to which road to thread on after being jilted, borrow a leaf form these strong women I have mentioned. Don’t allow your ex(es) to have the final say by giving in to the urge to end your life. Take the high road like the Kardashians will always do. They broadcast their emotions, failures, success for the world to see and in turn grow their income.
Snipe the thought of suicide. No ex- is worth your life. You have given him/her months, and in some cases, years of your life, why sacrifice your space on earth for his/her pleasure?
‘Trust me, if they have got the heart to hurt your body, soul, and mind, they won’t shed a tear over your corpse.’

Think smart like Selena, Jenna or Toke. Find a lucrative outlet for the pain; let the emotions fuel you into thinking big and outside the box. Your actions after being jilted directly and indirectly affect every acquaintance of yours, so don’t yield to the dark voice of suicide.

The power of your voice when you triumph on the other side is so much powerful than you can imagine. Don’t serve yourself the cold dish of revenge.




  1. Your actions after being jilted directly and indirectly affects every acquaintance of yours. Great lines. Great write up.

    1. exactly! it isn't just you, there are others who are/will be affected by your decision(s)

  2. Suicide is never an option, but it is important to speak out to reasonable people who will not compound your problems. Just like the quote says, 'every disappointment is a blessing' see the bright side of the problem. Cheers

    1. i love that angle. speak to reasonable people. #positiveenergy is always important

  3. It's a good one... Can't come and kill myself because of one relationship jare... Life's too precious..

  4. Learning how to leave people alone and go on with your life is a needed skill. Master it for the sake of your sanity.

  5. This life I can't kill myself

    Allow me to rest o

  6. I've learnt alot from this write-up. Thanks for sharing

  7. Suicide isn't just an option for some people but choice. Come to think of this; why should one allow one’s ex decision to cost you your future or life???

    Never choose to die for his/her decision because he/she has moved on. Learn to bring out lessons learnt from him/her as some lessons learnt in hard ways tend to shapen one’s thought and future if well guided.

  8. Life is sweet o, I cannot come and kill my self. Mo lookaway for suicide

  9. Wow....this is a good writeup. Suicide is never an option. Life is beautiful and still has a lot to offer. No man is worth dying for.

  10. This is a lovely piece I've read in a while. You know the moment heartbreak happens, lots of thoughts starts coming in. I was there. I almost ended my life. I begged and it was a Stern no. At that moment, one sees no reason to live or love again. Life to them is meaningless. To them, they can't find someone else so lovable and loving like the ex.
    But it's a wrong perspective to break up.
    Had I died, I wouldn't meet the love of my life again!
    I'd put families, friends and even foes in sorrows and regrets.
    The thought of suicide is selfish. It is demonic. Think about those you'll leave behind. Think about the wound and pains.

    No matter how painful the heartbreak, there is still that hope of getting a better version of who/what you lose.
    All one needs is to give hope a chance!

    Do not snipe your voice via suicide!
    Snipe the thought of suicide!

    You deserve better! You deserve to live and live well!

  11. Nice piece. Acceptance is the most difficult part and most people dwell in denial. However, not everyone would be able to monetize their pain. There are various relatively cheap outlets to help yourself feel better. Indulge yourself, binge eat, excercise, go to the movies. Do whatever helps you feel better. There will always be another person for you, but you have to be alive and well to meet them and experience love again. Great write-up👍👍

  12. This is a lovely writeup dear. Suicide is never an option regardless of what has happened. Its a sin against nature and God. Well done

  13. Life is sacred and life is beautiful for those who love to turn misfortunes to a weapon of success. Suicide is not a solution, stay strong and get on the winning side.

  14. Life is beautiful.... It full of ups and downs .... But trust me Suicide is never an option....

  15. Lovely write up. Success is the best revenge you can give to an ex. Live life to the fullest and let them keep wondering why they dumped you.

  16. Suicide isn't an option no matter what

  17. Trust me, if they have got the heart to hurt your body, soul, and mind, they won’t shed a tear over your corpse....this line really got me, unfortunately, it's just the simple reality that everyone need to accept and move on.

  18. Some people are meant to be in your life just for a moment. Don't hold on to them too much than they deserve.

    Sometimes breakup is necessary because you have learnt the lessons that lies therein which would prepare you for the next stage of your life. If you don't break up, you cannot move on.

  19. No one is worth your life. A life that Christ redeemed with His life.
    This is a nice piece, everyone should read

  20. O boy . Whew!
    Taking the life you cannot make in the first instance is just evil. Thanks for posting this .

  21. I really love this piece. Nothing should make one think suicide is the best option.

  22. This is really good, no one deserves your life dear. Shame the devil by bracing up let them not find you where they left you. Depression and suicide has never solve a problem. It is a privilege to meet a better person.

  23. Nice piece, you don't deserve to lose your life for anyone, Jesus already died for us all. A broken relationship is way more better than a broken home, I pray we all get the love we deserve.

  24. Suicide is not an option, work on yourself and be the best for the one who deserves you..... Nice write-up.

  25. There is no better revenge in romance than the come back. Its fine to cry, feel the pain and take your time to heal and get better but suicide hell no! It doesn't make it better because there are always going to be a few people to whom you matter. So why make them suffer by taking your life just because of a break up? Thanks Amara.

  26. Nice and lovely piece that help soothes ones pains from break up.

  27. Chai...this is very very insightful. I could relate with some of the things you said.The hurt could be as painful as death.I've learnt to let go and move on.Cos God has better plans for me.

    Suicide is never an option to consider, you are better of than that.

  28. This is such a great and insightful piece. I hope this lifts a weary heart. Suicide is a sin and God hates it, the urge to commit suicide is of Satan so friends don't give him a chance to ruin your life. Thanks Amara

  29. Nice piece ,educative and informative.My advice to the young ladies is to love God first and the man as second.Because when God is first in your life you will never consider suicide as an option.stay blessed.

  30. Nice write up... Quite informative and insightful, keep it up

  31. Nice write-up.

    It's not really easy to cope with hurt and heartbreak. And everyone has different coping mechanism ability. Some people get to their elastic limit quickly than others.

    But it's important for us to realize that no heartbreak is worth one's life. And Jesus truly makes the difference. He does heal our wounds and pains and makes us bounce back again.

  32. This is such a profound piece! Weldone. Indeed, #Suicide is never an option. I really like your quote "Don't snipe your voice via suicide, but snipe the voice of suicide"


  33. "When there's life" they say, "there's hope!". It is very imperative not to give up in life. Time heals all (most) wounds.

  34. Good one. #notosuicide

  35. It's a beautiful piece. Nice one

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Cleverly written, Weldone. We all say NO to suicide.

  38. Great piece, suicide is not an option

  39. Why would one commit suicide because of man, common man?

  40. Suicide is never an option! This is informative

  41. Success is indeed the best revenge. Nice write up

  42. Thank you very much for your comments. I really appreciate & hope you gained from the article.

  43. An interesting exposé.
    Instructing and educating at the same time.
    Suicide is an option taken in despair.
    May we not despair!


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